Saturday, June 27, 2015

Hair is the crown of women, so all sorts of treatments urgently needed to keep hair healthy and beautiful. Hair care actually not difficult but necessary perseverance, because the hair is easy to experience a range of problems such as dandruff, hair kontok, dry dull, branched hair, red hair, and so forth. These problems are usually caused by exposure to sunlight, dust, smoke and so forth. The problems are certainly very disturbing.

It would be better if the woman had black hair, healthy, straight and not experience a variety of health problems. But it was hard for some people, especially the bad habit of hair coloring, hair mencatok and so forth until the hair becomes corrupted. To overcome this problem, you can use various natural to make your hair become more healthy, straight and shiny.

Here's 5 Ways to Make Permanent Shine Hair And Straight
Here's 5 ways to make hair shiny and straight tetep:

1. Using milk
Milk is a beverage that contains ingredients that are very good for health. Milk is well known to have such great benefits for skin beauty. Additionally turns milk can also be used to help the hair become more shiny and straight. The trick, pour the milk in the bottle of hair spray, then spray and let stand for 30 minutes. Rinse using a shampoo to clean.

2. Banana and papaya
Either banana or papaya is a fruit that is easy once the meet and do not have a season. Therefore, the combination of banana and papaya can always be used to help hair shiny and black. The trick mix of banana and papaya, then blend until smooth. After that you can apply such as using a hair mask. After some time or after the mask dries, rinse shampoo to clean and blow your hair.

3. Olive oil
Olive oil is one kind of oil that is a lot of benefits. Olive oil is great for black hair. To make hair straight, shiny way is by mixing eggs and olive oil, then apply throughout the hair. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly. If you do not want to use the eggs also can, you should regularly use olive oil and use it at night then the next day you can rinse your hair.

4. Eggs
Eggs are high protein producer so it is good for the health of your hair. Eggs can be used to make hair shiny and straight. Usually the white part of the egg that is often used to beautify your hair. How to use it is quite easy, just separate the egg whites with the yolk, then taken only part of the egg white and apply on your hair. Let stand for a few minutes then rinse with clean water add shampoo when necessary in order to obtain maximum results.

5. Aloe Vera
Plant named Latin aloe vera is already famous for its usefulness thicken and discolor hair. Aloe vera can also be used to make hair remains shiny and straight because the content contained therein.

Those are some ways you can do to restore your hair straight and shiny. Straight and shiny hair will make you more beautiful, so do not forget to always maintain and care for your hair and appear confident at all times.      
A pregnant woman should always get balanced nutrition in order for the nutritional needs of the baby also can be fulfilled. One type of healthy food and good if consumed by pregnant women is mango.

Mango fruit contains a lot of vitamins that can provide additional nutrients to the baby are mother so the baby will be born healthy later.

Mango fruit is a kind of seasonal fruit, so it requires patience to be able to enjoy mangoes and wait for the season. Well, actually what are the benefits of mangoes when consumed by pregnant women?

Benefits of Mango for Pregnant Women

4 Benefits of Mango for Pregnant Women
A number of benefits when eating mangoes:

1. Smooth Body Digestive System
Mango has a very high fiber content that serves to launch the body's digestive system. So, if a pregnant woman is synonymous with complaints of constipation can be prevented and treated by consuming lots of mangoes. Thus, the body will be returned to normal digestion and you can defecate without any constraint.

Poor condition of the digestive system will have a negative impact so that the absorption of nutrients to the body. Although the fiber content is very good, but you should not consume mangoes for large portions.

Should consume this fruit in the portion of mediocrity in a single presentation. This is because if you eat too much fruit mango can cause excessive gas in the stomach organ and is a condition that is not good for health.

2. Balancing Fluid In The Body
Mango fruit contains a lot of potassium and potassium that can help maintain the balance of fluids in the human body. If the volume of fluid in the body too much, will have dire consequences for pregnant women. One of its adverse effects are swelling in the legs. The condition is very dangerous and cause an expectant mother is difficult in walking.

3. Against Free Radicals
Benefits of mango next step was to be able to help the body fight against free radicals. Mangoes are rich citamin termasuklah in category C and antioxidants can protect your body against cancer caused by free radicals. Antioxidants are very effective against the attack of free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules as a result of the production of chemical systems in the body, cigarette smoke, radiation, sunlight, and other environmental influences. The free radicals can lead to resistance in fetal growth. This is because free radicals are too difficult to avoid, so the body needs a lot of intake of these antioxidants.

4. Increase Stamina and Energy
Watermelons fruit is rich in sugar content are included in the sucrose and a source of healthy carbohydrates. So, if a pregnant woman consumes a lot of mangoes will help blood sugar levels stable. Thus, limp body often felt by pregnant women can be recovered by eating mangoes. Mangoes are also good consumed as snacks nutritious and healthy.

Well, that's some of the benefits of mangoes for the pregnant woman's body. In addition to the various properties, which often makes a person pregnancy reduced vision function, it will not happen if you eat this mango fruit.

Friday, June 26, 2015

The face is the body part that is considered by all women. Have a clean face, soft and healthy of course be the dream of all women. Many ways are done to make the face become more healthy one is to do a facial massage. Facial massage is a solution that you can try, because facial massage has many health benefits for the face. Not only make the face look more beautiful, facial massage also will make a face look more fit and fresh.

Facial massage performed by professionals will help your skin becomes tight and radiant. Facial massage can eliminate wrinkles on your face. Massage on the face will also provide the sensation of relax on your brain so that the mind becomes quiet and comfortable. And many more benefits other facial massage.

Beauty Facial Massage Benefits for you

Here are a few benefits of facial massage:

 1. Assist the smooth circulation of air
Facial massage will make a smooth blood circulation. With smooth blood circulation, of course, very beneficial for skin beauty. Smooth blood circulation will help eliminate wrinkles are wrinkles in the mouth area and eye area.

2. Able to reduce pressure on the facial muscles
Are you very busy with your office? well, when the busy day is very pronounced facial skin will be very strong and deeply felt tired face. By doing facial massage will help you to reduce the pressure on the facial muscles that causes the fatigue because of the busyness and stress.

3. Eliminate toxins
Dust, pollution, sun exposure every day against the face, will result in infected face various types of toxins. Tersebutlah poisonous toxins will lead to various problems in Kulti face. Facial massage, will help you to eliminate toxins toxins on the skin.

4. Tighten the skin
The skin is firmer so in desire desire by a wanit, because women will look younger with tight skin. Tight skin also will not cause the occurrence of wrinkles on the face. To make your skin firmer you can do facial massage, in addition to making your face firmer also able to brighten the skin.

5. Well done by sinus sufferers
For those patients with sinus, can perform facial massage. A recent study revealed that doing a facial massage is very good for sinus sufferers. However, to ensure this, you can consult your doctor.

  6. Ability to lead to happiness
You are stressed, bored, tired? The proper way to eliminate it is to perform a facial massage. Facial massage will make you more relaxed, laid so as to improve the mood became happier.

7. Make maximum absorption treatment cream
Facial massage will make your face able to penetrate a face lotion or moisturizer that you use to absorb more leverage. So that the function of moisturizing face becomes the maximum as well.

With so many benefits of face massage, you could do a facial massage on a regular basis to get the maximum benefit.
Having a clean white face smooth and very important for a woman, so women become more confident to interact with the opposite sex. However, treating the face is not easy, because many daily activities cause damage such as dullness face, freckles dark spots, acne and so forth.

Acne became one of the most common skin problems experienced especially teenagers. Acne is not just a problem, but the acne scars that arise will cause black spots that will worsen facial appearance. To get rid of acne scars, you do not need to use an expensive tool cosmetic tool because a lot of natural ingredients that can be used to get rid of the acne scars.

 As for some of the ways to remove acne scars you can see below:

1. Eliminate acne scars with aloe vera
Aloe or aloe vera is a plant that is a lot of benefits for beauty mainly address the problem of hair. Apparently, in addition it can be used to remove stubborn acne scars. Aloe vera has gel in it and it feels very cold. Tersebutlah gel that can be used to overcome the problem of acne scars.

2. Eliminate acne scars using ice cubes
If you have acne scars want to use an easy way to solve it, namely the use of ice cubes. Did you know it turns out the ice cubes can be used to eliminate your acne scars, way is to take a lump of ice cubes and then apply all over the face until evenly until small ice cubes you use melted.

3. Eliminate acne scars using tomatoes
Besides tomatoes can be used for cooking and used for juice. Tomatoes can be used to remove acne scars. It's easy, thinly sliced thin tomato slices and then paste the entire face. Wait until a few moments and then remove it. You can also blend the tomatoes until smooth, then apply as a mask.

4. Eliminate acne with cucumber
Cucumber is a fruit that inside is very fresh and contains a lot of water. Cucumbers can be mixed into the toner and can eliminate dark spots caused by acne scars. Cucumber juice is very suitable to eliminate blemishes acne scars. In addition to cucumber juice, if you prefer the simple, you can cut thin thin cucumber and stick your entire face

5. Eliminate acne scars using bengkoang
Did you know that yam has a huge benefit for beauty? Well, yam has benefits for beauty because the water content in the yam. Bengkoang water in nature has a natural ingredient remove dead skin cells and eliminate blemishes acne scars.

That's 5 natural ways that you can use to remove acne scars. Make sure you always take care of your face early so you can be spared from various skin problems such as premature aging, dark spots and so forth.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The first trimester of pregnancy begins at week 12. At the time, began to form the embryo of the baby's whole body system. Order fetus has also been formed during the first trimester. Although not perfect, whole organs have started to work.

Hormonal changes in pregnant women in the first trimester is often causing physical and psychological changes. So no wonder if pregnant women often feel uncomfortable. In fact, there are few who experience nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.

For that reason, you as a pregnant woman has been duly make adjustments. In that sense, pregnant women was prepared before the change in his body. How to? Pretty easy. To be more clear please refer to the review of the first trimester of pregnancy tips below.

Tips Pregnancy in First Trimester
Tips Pregnancy in First Trimester

Enough rest
In the first trimester of pregnancy make pregnant women feel more tired than the previous days. Therefore, the hormone progesterone in the body increases and cause drowsiness naturally. This is what often makes expectant mothers easily tired when on the move.
The solution, immediately reduce your busy life and avoid exhausting activities. Do not think that does not work you can do. Be advised to take a nap every day. But most importantly, when you begin to fatigue, soon enough rest

Relax sidelines flurry
Relaxing is the next solution to get around the first trimester of pregnancy. A full day of activity adjustment changes the body it affects the psychological aspect. Sometimes, your emotions will begin to be difficult to control.
The fix is to relax. Yes, do the things you think are fun. You can watch a comedy movie or listen to music psychology. Enjoy and relax. Therefore, tension and prolonged stress actually be detrimental to the fetus.

Exercise routine
Begin activity beneficial to maternal health, such as exercising regularly. But before that, consult your doctor first to sport what is suitable for your condition. You can try yoga exercises to strengthen your baby.
Most pregnant women in the first trimester choosing healthy light exercise such as walking. Sports healthy way will be very good for air circulation in the body. Also, a healthy way will also help to control emotions or mood that sometimes go up and down.

Meticulous in Eating
You need to look at whether the food you consume contains far enough nutrition. Why is that? Because, in the first trimester of pregnancy requires a lot of nutrients to support the formation of organs in the fetus.
For example, you can eat foods that contain lots of omega 3 and 6, because the compound has a good effect on the formation of nerve and brain tissue. In addition, you are also advised to consume pureed green beans and lasagna for additional energy.
That is a brief review of the first trimester of pregnancy tips. Hopefully you can go through periods of pregnant women with healthy and smooth.
Pregnancy is one of the things that is awaited by married couples who want to have a baby. Contains period has several stages from the moment of conception until the baby is born. Maintain your health and your baby need to be considered so that the fetus can grow and develop properly.

5 month old fetus has a size of about 20 centimeters or 8 inches. Besides the fetus already has a weight of 200 grams. The growth of the fetus at the age of 5 months sooner. High fetal weight gain and also coupled with the development of sensory organs and nerves in your baby.

At the age of 5 months of pregnancy, the fetus already has the tools senses began sensitive and active. The skin also has sensitive nerve stimulation. Gestational age of the fetus at 5 months have also been able to respond to some of the voices he heard. The fetal eye have also begun to develop with his internal organs and senses.

How to Maintain Healthy Pregnancy Fetus at 5 Months?
Five Months Pregnant

5 months gestational age also affect pregnant women. You no longer feel dizzy in the head. But you still will feel uncomfortable at heart especially if you are currently eating. You also feel the pain in the bladder. If the pain continues to repeat itself, you should consult the gynecologist.

You also increasingly feel the movement of the fetus. Stretch Mark also have started popping up on your stomach because getting bigger. Sometimes you may also secrete less fluid milk which is in the process of maturation before the baby is born.

How to Maintain Healthy Pregnancy Fetus at 5 Months?

You need to maintain the health of your fetus so that the fetus can grow healthy. You can perform regular checkup at the doctor that you have entrusted. You need to do that in order to determine whether the baby is normal or abnormalities affecting the fetus so that you can get information on how to overcome these from your doctor.

Eat foods that contain a lot of nutrients. Complex nutrient helps the growth and development of the fetus at the gestational age of 5 months and beyond. Multiply eating foods that contain protein, iron, vitamins, and minerals are high.

Why Pregnant Women Happy moment Aged 5 Month Fetus?
At the age of 5 months of pregnancy, you will be free of morning sickness. Morning sickness is nausea in early pregnancy happens when you smell that you do not like. You will also feel the first kick of your fetus. The kick will not make you sick, but it will make you happy.
You also can travel together because the fetus was considered strong and avoid a miscarriage. But not until you are too tired because it is dangerous for you and the prospective baby. Ultrasound scans will be special because it can see is there any anomalies in your pregnancy. In addition, you can get a candid picture of the fetus.
You still need to keep the baby's health for candidates so that the maximum growth of the baby and in accordance with what you expect. Remember to always check with the obstetrician regularly.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

As people age, the more do people experience changes in the body, such as the growth of gray hair. Even now not only grown gray in the hair of people who are already old, but a lot of people who are still young also have grown gray hair. Usually it happens due to factors genes, stress and lifestyle.

To cope with the gray hair that need intensive care gray hair can be resolved quickly and appropriately. A variety of natural materials can be utilized as a way to eliminate gray hair easily and quickly. As for some of the natural ingredients you can see below:

Natural ingredients to eliminate gray hair
It can be overcome by using a gray hair polish polish but not always effective in treating gray hair. Hair polish merely closes the white hair color and turn it into a darker shade. But if you use some of the material below as a way to eliminate gray hair you can feel the benefits will be longer and certainly you will be spared from a variety of chemicals capable of causing long-term negative effects that we can never predict.

1. dregs of tea
Dregs of tea that has been allowed to stand for 24 hours could be used to eliminate gray hair quickly. The trick is to mix it with 1 teaspoon of salt. You can use this medicine as a natural hair mask to eliminate gray hair effectively. At the time of taking this herb should be left in the past until approximately 1 hour in order to absorb into the hair potion.

2. Papaya seeds
Who says papaya seeds has no nutrients. Precisely papaya seeds are very useful for eliminating gray hair quickly. The trick is to wash the papaya seeds and sangria as when you roast coffee. After that mashed papaya seeds until smooth and then add a little coconut oil. And you can use this herb as a mask to overcome gray hair.

3. Leaves hibiscus
It contains several nutrients that are able to eliminate the gray is powerful. How to get rid of gray hair with hibiscus leaves is to soften the leaves of hibiscus that you have dry, add a little water and freshly squeezed orange juice. If completed, then you can save it in a container. This herb can be used at any time as a natural hair mask.

4. Crown hibiscus
Similarly, the leaves contain nutrients shoes, shoe flower crown also serves to overcome the onset of gray hair. The trick is to soften some of the strands petals shoes, then put into 200 ml of coconut oil that has been heated. Wait until cool and store in sealed containers. For maximum results use at bedtime and then rinse the next day.

How to wear a hair maskA variety of natural ingredients that can be used as a hair mask on top of a material that is very easy to obtain. Each ingredient is high in nutrients that can be utilized in a way to eliminate gray hair is easy, practical, and without side effects. How to wear a mask made from natural that you created earlier is to apply the mask potions to every strand of hair from the base to the tip of the hair. Using a towel wrap and let stand for a few moments or at least 10 minutes. After that you can rinse until clean.In addition these materials are also price is very cheap, especially if you have your own garden then can be planted with a variety of plants that are useful to eliminate gray hair naturally. Tips gray hair that you are not growing is not often deprive gray-gray in your hair. Because under the hair are the nerves that if it continues plucked it feared it grows more and more gray hair. Thus the discussion about how to get rid of gray hair is easy, practical and natural. Hope it can help you in eliminating gray hair on your hair.